Junior Livestock Feed Program
Are you a 4-H or FFA youth member with a market beef, goat, poultry, sheep, swine, or rabbit project? North 40 Outfitters would like to help you save on your livestock feeds and show supplements!
At North 40 Outfitters, our Junior Livestock Program is a discount livestock feed and show supplement program that is meant to help 4-H and FFA youth members with their livestock projects in their local communities.
This program offers a 10% off discount on regularly-priced livestock feeds and show supplements to 4H and FFA youth members. To get this discount, 4-H and FFA youth members must obtain a Junior Livestock Feed Program card.
Junior Livestock Feed Program cards are available and can be requested on this page. Please fill out the contact info below to update your information or request cards for your chapter.
In addition to our feed program, we are also accepting applications for additional support for fundraisers, events, and other needs. Please click on the Community Support link below if you are requesting aid outside of the feed program.
Cards must be presented at the time of purchase and are valid through January 1 - December 31 of their respective year. This discount is valid for youth members only and only available in store.