McNett Aquaseal UV Fast Fix Adhesive
Aquaseal UV Fast Fix Adhesive instantly repairs waders and other outdoor gear. This quick-drying UV adhesive cures in seconds when exposed to sunlight. Ideal for instant stream-side repairs, Aquaseal UV’s flexible formula works in both overcast and full light conditions.
Use it to repair neoprene, GORE-TEX or other waterproof breathable waders as well as outdoor gear, like tents and inflatable mattresses. As an added bonus, Aquaseal UV can also be used to coat fly line knots or as a head cement for fly tying.
Use it to repair neoprene, GORE-TEX or other waterproof breathable waders as well as outdoor gear, like tents and inflatable mattresses. As an added bonus, Aquaseal UV can also be used to coat fly line knots or as a head cement for fly tying.
- UV cure adhesive repairs pinholes and minor tears in waders, rainwear and outdoor gear
- Instant field repairs; cures in seconds when exposed to sunlight
- Flexible formula works on neoprene and waterproof breathable fabrics including GORE-TEX
- Solvent free formula works in both overcast and full light conditions
- Fishing Bonus: coats fly line knots and cements fly heads
- Made in USA
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