10 More Days of ATA #3—Koola Buck’s Antimicrobial Game Bags Keep Your Meat Safe

Koola Buck Antimicrobial Game Bags REVIEW

Koola Buck’s anti-microbial game bags protect your meat by reducing bacteria eight times more than a standard cotton or mesh bag. The Koola Buck game bags are a cotton/poly blend that’s treated in a natural and flavorless acid derived from fruit and other bacterial inhibitors. This treatment not only reduces bacterial growth, but also helps repel egg-laying insects. $25-$40.

Hi, I'm Sherry Lockwood from Koolabuck Incorporated. We're here at the ATA Show 2018 in Indiana, Indianapolis, and I'm here to tell you about some of our products here, our game bags. These are an anti-microbial treated game bag. They are designed to be wet inside, so when you open this it's already wet. It's already got the anti-microbial agent on it and it has been proven in laboratories to reduce the growth of bacteria eight times a standard cotton bag, and this technology comes from the meat food science industry and it's been used on cattle and swine for years to reduce listeria, salmonella and things like that.

We've adapted it for the hunting industry because we all know that we don't process our animals in the most sanitary conditions.

What I have here is a sample of a standard cotton game bag which I've been tearing, because we all know how when you put a bone end quarter in here, the leg bone always ends up coming out and then you've got this big hole that exposes your animal to all the insects, and also just the fact that these are so thin that flies can lay eggs directly right through these and onto your precious game meat.

Here's one of our bags. These are a poly-cotton blend and they are designed to stretch any direction and what it does is that it helps adhere the anti-microbial properties right to the outside surface of your meat. Two things cause the growth of bacteria, and that's warm weather and high PH. We can't do anything about the weather conditions sometimes when we're hunting, but we can lower that PH on the surface of the animal. It gives us more time to get our animals out of the field and into proper refrigeration.

We have multiple sizes. This is the deer quarter. There's actually four bags in here. These retail for $29.99 at your stores, and then we have the elk, and there's also four quarters in here and they retail for $34.99.