3 Steps to Prevent Ticks on your Dogs in the Northwest


You already think about your dog's needs: you buy them food, toys, sometimes clothes... But what about ticks? Ticks are a severe irritant to your dog, and sometimes can cause diseases.

So how can you keep your dog safe when you are out gallivanting around the country?

Identify Tick "Time & Place"

In the Northwest, ticks come out in force during the moist/warm spring months and anytime it's been rainy. That means starting around May or June, or if we are having a wet summer--you need to be ready to protect your dog from these 6-legged little beasties.

Contrary to popular belief, ticks don't "climb trees" and then jump on you. In reality, a tick's favorite place is 18-24" above ground (it's called "questing" when they climb to that height- so that means tall grass and the shrubbery where you hike. Yikes.

Looking for dog food, puppy treats or other doggy gear? Check out our supply online here.

Prevent ticks at the Trailhead: Immediate Application

One option for preventing ticks (and fleas) on your dog is applying a topical spray immediately prior to going out to explore. This is a great option for spur of the moment outings.

Another reason to choose the spray on tick prevention method? This topical spray actually REPELS ticks and fleas like a standard human mosquito spray. Stick it in your bag and bring it with you-if your dog jumps in the river, simply reapply the spray and go!

What if your dog gets sprayed by skunks?

While the spray won't treat for extended periods of time like the options below, the ticks won't have an opportunity to bite your dog if you opt for the immediate application method.

Longer Term Options in Tick Prevention

There are other, longer term options for tick and flea prevention, the one we stock is online here. What makes these longer term options different than the immediate application? Well for one, using this option will kill the ticks and fleas on your dog- including eggs.

Our long term solution treats ticks for up to one month- but HOW? Well, it's topically applied to your dog just like the spray on tick prevention, but the month long solution is absorbed into your dog's body and spreads to your dog's skin, oil glands and hair- so you get a longer option- AND your dog can jump in the river.

Looking for camping supplies to get gone with your dog? Good, us too--our selection is online here.

While these prevention methods are a good first line of defense against ticks and the diseases they carry, sometimes you will still find ticks on yourself, or on your dog- but you won't find them unless you know how to check for them correctly--watch the video below for some advice from a local Montana vet.