Aeneas Lake Report 6.25.16

Aeneas Lake is still producing nice catches of fish. You'll need to go deep for them, so bring at least a type six full sinking line. Rob from the sporting goods department had a chance to go out the other day and did okay. He got a couple of rainbows in the 16" size category. Boobie flies and leeches seem to be go to bugs.


Also, Jack from the fishing department was out a couple of days ago and besides the standard size fish being caught, he got into one brute that would go about 5lbs. Sadly, it LDR's before he go it to the net. With warmer days a head, keep it deep. Also, as a side note, try and keep the fish in the water and don’t over play them.

Heading out to Aeneas Lake? Stock up first at your local North40 or Online.