The Bait that "Played a Major Role" in Jacob Wheeler's Year - Storm 360 GT Swimbaits

The Storm 360GT Searchbait™ is the ultimate confidence lure that has been designed to fish anywhere by all skill levels. As a searchbait, it allows you to cover more water, uncovering more fish. That is just the beginning. Once you locate fish, there’s no need to switch your presentation.

The 360GT Searchbait™ has a natural swimming action fish can’t refuse. Fishing it couldn’t be easier, simply cast it out and reel it in with a steady retrieve.

Its exclusive VMC® Coastal Black™ hook has extended “leg” on line tie to further enhance action while the 60° angle keeps lure swimming in the perfect position. The life-like rattling jig head and body fit precisely, with color patterns that perfectly match regional forage, making this one fish circles around every other bait.

Watch the video below to learn more or purchase the Storm 360GT Searchbait™ online here.


Okay, guys. We're sitting here. Going to show you a new product that came out this year. Actually, it's already played a major role in my year on the Bass Master lead series. It's the new Storm GT360, and this swim bait, it's not only that swim bait action, that tail action. It's actually just wobbling and creating a lot of vibration, but it draws a lot of the strikes, and it's something that's a search bait. A swim bait for the last five years has been the talk of the town. It's been the thing that you want to have in your tackle box. It catches the fish, practically catches the fish that are feeding, and just something that's so lifelike that you have to have, and that 360 does a great job of that.

This bait right here comes in a pre-rigged package, so whether you're an avid bass fisherman or you're just a guy that wants to go down to the lake and just go fishing and cast of the dock, it does not matter. This thing is set up for you. You don't have to worry about rigging your own swim bait right off the bat. It's pretty easy. They actually already have a little pre-rigged one set up in this packaging. You have different swim baits. This is the four and a half inch right here. One of my favorites, herring, it just works like a shine, whether you're on Blue Back Heron Lake or you're up north or south, it just looks like a shine and it catches them.

Then also, when you go in to actually hook your bait, it has a little hook slot where you can just pop that hook out right there. You know it every time, so it makes it super easy. Even for me, I'm sitting there, I'm always sometimes messing up that one swim bait, and you're like, gosh, you only have three of them. You don't want to mess it up, so you want to make sure that hook slot goes right in there every time. It makes it easy, and it's always on straight.

For those of you that have already tried that out, new for this year we have the individual set up with the 360 to the 360 bodies and the 360 jig heads. These jig heads are really cool. You put a little super glue on them. They already have a deal where it's going to keep your swim baits on the 360 setup and on your jig head. Sharp, sharp, sharp DMC hook, but this is one of my favorites as well. They have three and a half inch, so three and a half, four and a half, and five and a half for your body sizes. Make sure to check them out, the new 360 swim bait and the jig heads.