Blackfoot Nation: Boater's Notice

Got some interesting news from Wade up in Cut Bank.  If you are planning to fish anywhere on Blackfoot Nation Waters with a float tube or any other type of watercraft, you must first get an inspection.

Blackfoot Nation Boaters Notice
The word is that the inspection station is open from 9am to 7pm.  Permits are issued for 7 days.  Lakes are posted with this sign, so pleading ignorance will not keep you from being ticketed if you don’t have a permit.  This is going to add a major logistic challenge to your fishing trips.

For more information you can contact Blackfeet Nation Fish and Wildlife at PO Box 850 Browning, Montana 59417 406-338-7207 - 406-338-4751 Fax or visit the website.

Plan ahead and good luck.