Coeur d'Alene Fishing Report 04.04.19

Coeur d Alene Fishing Report

Coeur d'Alene River

The Coeur d'Alene is flowing at 3,200 cfs at Enaville today and going up.  The river has been fishing very well.  Lots of great reports came in last week and over the weekend.  From drift boaters and walk-waders alike.  The river is going to go through the roof soon with the upcoming rain that is forecasted though.  So, the next two to three days should be fine but after that, it is hard to say.

Streamer fishing has been fantastic.  Bigger sculpins in black and olive have been the go-to patterns.  There are a few skwallas out as well.  So, a big bushy stimulator or a chubby chernobyl with a bead head dropper will get it done.  Nymphing has been producing too.  Bigger stonefly nymphs with a smaller bead head dropper will work great as well.  San Juan worms are a great choice too.  If you are lucky enough to get a day off this week, get out there and give it a go before it gets too big.

St. Joe River

Flows on the St. Joe at Calder are 2,500 cfs and climbing.  I fished the Joe yesterday after some really incredible reports from some friends and coworkers that had been out last week.  We did well with around 15 fish, or so, to hand between the three of us in the boat.  Last week, our friends had done substantially better during the overcast weather.  However, it was an absolutely beautiful day though.  The water was perfect as well as the weather. I had the chance to get a friend into his first trout on a fly rod so that was awesome!

Again, streamers were the choice meal here for the fish.  Heavy weighted sculpins slowly stripped was the ticket.  We didn't do very well nymphing for some odd reason?  We did see a couple of fish up but not enough to really break out the dry rods.  Big double congas, sculpzillas, hare sculpins will all be good choices for streamers.  If you decide to nymph, go with a medium sized prince nymph, or pheasant tail and a San Juan worm.  I'd imagine that the next few days with overcast will bring some fish to the surface though.  There were lots of midges midday and even saw a few small caddis out.  The skwallas shouldn't be too far off either.

Clark Fork River

At St. Regis, the Clark Fork is flowing 6,900 cfs and on the rise.  This is about a perfect flow on the Clark Fork.  It will have some color to it, but this is pretty normal for the Fork.  Some great reports have come through for the Clark Fork over the last week.  Nymphing has been strong with tandem bead head nymphs.  San Juans are killing it and Pat's rubber legs too.  Streamer fishing has been solid.  Home invaders, congas, near nuff sculpins, and any mid-size sculpin in blacks and olives will do.  Big double bead stonefly nymphs will work great too.  Be on the lookout for skwalla stoneflies, March browns and grey drakes.  Also, there will be plenty of midges midday too.  Foam lines and back eddies should have fish sharking in them.  Soft hackles will work well in these situations.  Blue winged olives will be around too, and more so on rainy days.  But, any rain from here on out should spell giant spikes in the river with all the snow in the hills.  So get it while it's good!

See past reports from the CDA region here, or click here to view all northwest regional reports.