Customer Appreciation: Long Range Shoot


Last Friday our Firearms Dept. Lead in Sandpoint, Tanner Van Pelt, held a customer appreciation day in the form of a long range shoot.  The shoot was invite only and took place in Clark Fork Idaho, on the Ruen Ranch, with targets out to 1050 yards and shooting out to 1350 yards.


We had steel targets at 100, 200, 500, 700, 820, 900, 950, & 1050 yards.

15-20 people showed up for our first ever shoot and there was lots of excitement to get underway.  There were a few shooters shooting .45-90 sharps out to 900 yards with peep sights and several guys showed up with .338 Lapuas testing their skill at the furthest targets.


The shoot turned out to be a huge success and everyone had a great time.



Thank you Tanner and Ruen Drilling for hosting such a great event.