Echo Glass Rods

As graphite fly rod tapers and construction have continued to get faster, lighter and more expensive, glass fly rods are making a resurgence.  We’ve been carrying the Echo Glass single hand fly rods for the past year and they are getting more and more popular.  This year, we’ve added Echo Glass in both switch and spey models for 2-handed rod fanatics looking to slow things down.

Why glass?  Why not listen to Tim Rajeff tell us-



So the single hand rods are pretty cool. Now check out the Spey Rods-



There is no reason to throw away your graphite fly rods yet. For many of the conditions we face, contemporary graphite rods are the best performance choice. Glass is not the ticket for big water, strong winds and long distance needs. Glass simply offers another medium to have fun doing what we love. When the conditions are right, glass can be the spot-on choice. For under $300, anglers are finding glass fly rods affordable and a great addition to their graphite fly rod line up.