Farm to Table

  1. Best Chicken Feeder; Best New Chicken Waterer from Little Giant

    Best Chicken Feeder; Best New Chicken Waterer from Little Giant

    Little Giant, one of the brands under the Miller Manufacturing umbrella had many new products at the show this year but the item that stood out first was their new dome feeder. These are high capacity feeders in 30, 45, and 60 pound models which means that you can take a few less trips to the chicken coop and still make sure your chickens are getting proper nutrition. The chicken feeders are up off the ground with a very well made and sturdy base which helps keep any pine shavings or “coop poop” from getting in to the feed. This style of feeder has been popular in Europe for a number of years, and in fact these new feeders and chicken waterers are actually being manufactured in Spain to ensure a best in class product as this new style of feeder finds its way in to the US marketplace. My name is Jason Willong with Miller Manufact... Read more
    5 Min
  2. Pruning Fruit Trees: When and How to Prune Fruit Trees

    Pruning Fruit Trees: When and How to Prune Fruit Trees

    Even though it’s still winter, it’s time to take care of your fruit trees. Pruning allows you to control the shape and size of your tree (at least to some extent since you can’t make a standard variety stay the size of a dwarf), as well as creating a healthier specimen with larger and more abundant fruit. What tools do you need to prune your trees? Before you make the first cut gather the tools you need, and make sure they are clean and sharp. Hand clippers are invaluable for trimming out small branches or water sprouts, anvil or by-pass loppers can handle the bigger branches, and a small handsaw is useful for taking out the larger pieces. If you didn’t store them in the fall with a new edge on them, grab a rasp and do so now. Nothing is more frustrating than fighting with a little piece of bark that won’t cut because a blade i... Read more
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  3. Easy Holiday Jams, Jellies and Preserves—Perfect Self-Made Holiday G...

    Easy Holiday Jams, Jellies and Preserves—Perfect Self-Made Holiday G...

    A steam juicer is an invaluable tool for jelly making. Homemade jams, jellies, or preserves is a heartfelt and delicious gift at Christmas—whether given to yourself, friends, or family. Making these when the weather is cold is equally satisfying as the house fills with a warm, sweet summer fragrance. What’s the difference between jams, jellies and preserves? While these sweet condiments have similar beginnings, the difference is in the final texture. Whether you only use juice or all of the fruit, depends on personal preference. Jellies are the refined version, using fruit juice as the base, which results in a smooth spread. Instead of just using the juice, jams also use the fruit in a mashed capacity. Jams have a chunkier consistency and a heartier texture. Preserves use whole or large pieces of fruit, making it ideal for topping he... Read more
    5 Min
  4. How To season Wild Game before Cooking

    How To season Wild Game before Cooking

    Few things can inspire, relax, rejuvenate and humble more than the classic American campsite. In the wild, one's true nature, in all its flaws, is brought to the surface and enveloped in the infinite stillness of the woods. We open ourselves and share our pains, face our fears, and shed the troubles of modern life in a silent exchange between the winds, the trees and, for a lucky few, the big open sky. Here is our wild game processing tools and accessories catalog if you need game gear. Who Uses Wild Game Seasonings? I find myself settled in and relaxing at a campsite in Beaver Creek Park just outside Havre, Montana cooking some Wild Game sausage and enjoying a delightful cup of Twisp, Washington's Blue Star coffee. Prior to living in Montana, I lived in a homestead style house nestled deep in the woods of Okanogan County. My family and ... Read more
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  5. Caring For Fall Apples

    Caring For Fall Apples

    As autumn approaches it’s time to revel in the apple crop. But after eating fresh apples that taste like no others, or making a few delicious apple pies, you may ask, what else is there to do with this fruit? Fortunately, apples are one of the most versatile fruits to store and use, so they offer many options. Storing Fresh Apples Just like many other fruits and vegetables, some apple varieties store better than others. Cortland, Fuji, Honeycrisp, and McIntosh (often the late-harvest varieties) all store well throughout fall and into the winter months, under the right conditions. But don’t hesitate to try to keep other varieties. If you have a bushel of apples from your tree, regardless of the variety, and you like to eat them fresh, here are a few steps to keep them crisp and delicious. —Apples like high humidity and low temperatur... Read more
    5 Min
  6. Queen Bee Replacement: How to Requeen your Beehive

    Queen Bee Replacement: How to Requeen your Beehive

    Spring is in the air and soon we'll be surrounded by the wonderful buzz of our most valuable, favorite pollinators; the honey bees!  Whether you're just starting out or you're a veteran beekeeper, you'll recognize that knowledge is essential for our toolkit in having successful dealings with our bees.  And let's face it, sometimes us beekeepers can be rather, umm, opinionated; so, there's no shortage of suggestions on how to accomplish a certain task in the bee world. After all, it's not surprising to find that this hobby/business can be as complicated as we want to make it with details, facets, factors, circumstances and a whole host of concerns to keep in mind; the more information we have the better in general. We've got a wide range of beekeeping supplies online here. But in the end, it's more important that we just jump in and do ... Read more
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  7. How NOT to Chicken Farm

    How NOT to Chicken Farm

    The Cardinal Rule of chicken farming? Don't get more chickens than you can care for! If you buy too many chickens for the amount of time/money/energy/space you have, chances are they are not going to flourish- and could actually get sick, or in some drastic cases, the outcome may be even worse. For example, imagine you don't have the correct watering system, or your waterer is too small for your flock -- or, you live in the Northwest where summers are hot and chickens need water. No matter the manner, without water, chickens, like people, cannot survive. Going too Big, Too Fast Chickens can also get sick if you go too big, too fast. And when that happens, it happens slowly and you might not catch it at first- Imagine your life as a chicken. If there is not enough space for the pursuit of life, liberty and the decent meal worm, you will s... Read more
    5 Min
  8. From Brood Box to Layers: A Guide to Raising Baby Chickens

    From Brood Box to Layers: A Guide to Raising Baby Chickens

    PHASE I: The Brooder and your New Baby Chicks Young chicks must have a brooder for warmth and protection. Prepare the brooder by cleaning and disinfecting it before the chicks arrive. Once it has dried, cover the floor with 4 to 6 inches of dry litter material. Here's some ideas on raising chicks in this stage without electricity.  Pinewood shavings or sawdust is recommended to aid in disease prevention. Place the brooder in a draft-free location. Carefully position an incandescent bulb about a foot above the box floor to provide heat and add a second light in case one bulb burns out. Newly hatched chicks will find their perfect temperature in the brooder. If it's too hot under the bulb chicks will move away from the heat; if too cool they'll move closer. Give chicks space to move about. Baby chicks huddle together when they're co... Read more
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  9. N40 Coops 2.0 Live + Mr. Cluck Q&A

    N40 Coops 2.0 Live + Mr. Cluck Q&A

    N40 Coops 2.0 Video Premiere is going LIVE and you could win. Can't make it to your local North 40 Outfitters to attend the N40 Coops 2.0 Video Premiere? No worries. We will be streaming N40 Coops 2.0 Video Premiere Live on our North 40 Outfitters Facebook page. Watch the Premiere Live and you'll have a chance to win a coop Live. It's true. In addition to giving a coop away at each store, during the Premiere, we will also be giving away one coop online Live. Submit a question online Live, during Mr. Cluck's Live Q & A, and you will be automatically entered into our Live coop giveaway. Here's what you need to know- To watch N40 Coops 2.0 Video Premiere Live and to submit questions online Live CLICK HERE at North 40 Outfitters Facebook page March 9, 2017 6 p.m. Pacific Time. Attending the event in person? We'll give you a 50% off Nu... Read more
    5 Min
  10. Free N40 Coops 2.0 Event - You're Invited

    Free N40 Coops 2.0 Event - You're Invited

    For N40 Coops 2.0, we asked you to show us your best coops and you answered the call. Courage takes action and you didn't disappoint. In this journey, we learned the stories behind each coop and discovered why every coop is truly special and unique. We met inspiring people and came to understand the bond that comes with owning your own animals. And, we were deeply encouraged by the people who are becoming inspired to learn more about the origins of their food. Don't know what N40 Coops 2.0 is all about? Check this out. Entries came pouring in from all over Montana, Idaho, and Washington (over a hundred plus) -but we could only choose six. The winners have been chosen. They will be revealed at our N40 Coops 2.0 Video Premiere Event and you're invited. Missed last year's N40 Coops winners? Read this. Here's what you need to know- What N40... Read more
    5 Min
  11. Straw bale Gardening 2.0: No Dirt, No Problem

    Straw bale Gardening 2.0: No Dirt, No Problem

    The dog days of summer have set in and it's time to update the status of my straw bale garden. You can read about my first attempt here. I've successfully killed half of what I planted and learned some really good lessons along the way. Here's a quick break down of the good, the bad and the ugly. The Ugly of the Straw Bale Garden Although my bales were old, not all of them were fully conditioned. This means the straw wasn't broken down enough. When I started to add water to them, they got really hot. Why did they get hot? Decomposition. In a nutshell your straw bale is carbon, the goal is to break that carbon by "conditioning" it. Conditioning is adding nutrients and water to kick start the decomposition process (microbes eating the straw and changing it's cellular structure) that essentially turns the straw into soil over time. Some of... Read more
    5 Min
  12. N40 Coops: 6 of the Best Chicken Coops in the Northwest

    N40 Coops: 6 of the Best Chicken Coops in the Northwest

    What is N40 Coops 2.0? In case you aren't in the know--N40 Coops is an annual event where we showcase the most amazing chicken coops we can find, and introduce you to the passionate people raising those chickens. We have entries from all over, and we hear some of the coolest chicken stories you can image. To help with this effort we, North 40 Outfitters, partnered up with Nutrena and together, we're on a mission to find fantastic chicken coops and their equally incredible owners. Why Are We Doing This? Last year was our first ever N40 Coops season, and needless to say, we not only received hundreds of amazing coop entries, but more importantly, we learned the stories behind each of the coops and found out why every coop is truly special and unique. We also want to encourage people to start chicken farming by showing them the fun it ... Read more
    5 Min
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