First look at the Sage Igniter Ultra-Fast Fly Rod at IFTD 2018


Sage Igniter is a high end, ultra-fast, and technical rod by Sage. The ultra-fast action allows you to fight the wind and cast longer distances very fast and accurately. This rod is available in 4-10 weight in single hand and 6-10 weight in two handed rods. Watch the video below to learn more.


Hey, my name’s Peter Knox. I’m here at the Sage booth at ICAST 2018 and I’d like to show you the new Igniter series of rods.

These are ultra-fast rods for technical conditions. Right here I have the six weight 691, which means it has a fighting but saltwater componentry. But I picked this rod because it’s really one of my favorites for trout fishing. Particularly on large rivers where the water is moving fast or you’re fishing out of a boat.

An ultra-fast action has a really quick, requires a really quick casting stroke and so you can place the fly in a greater number of spots throughout the course of the day. I really like fishing hoppers, fishing streamers this is a great rod for picking up a lot of lines, so you can fish far away from the boat. You can pick up line and then recast it into a new spot very quickly which enable you to cover a lot of water. So that’s my personal favorite line weight.

These come in line weights 4 through 10 and single hangers. 6 through 10 in double handers. Really great rods for windy conditions, sinking lines, all that. That’s the Ignitor from Sage.