Fly Tying is really Fun: #PassItOn

This past Tuesday, I helped Matt Wilhelm with some Great Falls middle school fly tying classes. Matt does the classes for Montana Fish, Wildlife & Parks. Matt travels the state for several months engaging kids in the classroom with the opportunity to tie a classic wooly worm fly. From my little snapshot in time, it seems that they really enjoy it.
These days it is increasingly difficult to engage kids in activities that will move them to the wild outdoors. Fly tying is a wonderful, creative, artistic, indoor activity that focuses attention toward the outdoor activity of fishing. It is the perfect complement to a variety of Hooked on Fishing Programs sponsored by Montana FWP. While Matt is engaging the kids in fly tying, he also talks about the importance of our water quality and the fact that water supports fish and people. That’s an important message and concern for all of us.
Matt and I both learned to fish at an early age and can’t imagine our lives without fly fishing at the core. Matt is always hoping to connect some new kids in the lifelong passion we call fly fishing. If you are interested in donating some used (usable condition) angling gear to help get a kid started, contact your nearest North 40 Fly Shop. We are looking for fly rods, fly reels and fly tying vises. If you donate your gear to this program, you may receive a 10% discount on a fly rod, reel or vise. #PassItOn