Got Ants?

No one likes ants in their pants, but fish love to snack on the little creepy crawlers. Ants are a great terrestrial insect to imitate with a fly. Bears love them too. If an animal as large as a bear will focus on eating ants, they must have something going for them. That something is protein. They are little balls of energy. An ant can move something like 50 times their body weight. Wild creatures instinctually know the cost benefit of eating certain foods. For that reason, ants are on the menu.
An ant pattern can be a great choice as a prospecting fly. Ants can also trigger fish during a technical hatch. When you don’t have the right match or are getting refusals on what you think the correct fly should be, try an ant. If you are fortunate enough to be fishing during an actual ant fall, you don’t want to miss out. The catching will get really good. Get ants!