How Can I Minimize, or Eliminate the Spots my Pets Leave on my Lawn?

Kentucky Blue. White Dutch Clover. Perennial Rye. When it comes to creating a picture-perfect yard, it can actually take a couple of years. But, don’t let that put you off. Learning the easy steps it takes to produce a beautiful, lush lawn is really doable, and we can get you headed down the right path.

In our How to Maintain your Lawn Guide, you’ll learn how to seed your lawn from scratch and how to maintain it. We’ll also explain how you should handle those bare spots that Fido is so good at making. It’s all doable. So, roll up your sleeves and dig in.

A healthy lawn will withstand traffic and normal pet use. That being said, there are a few steps you can take to minimize or eliminate pet spots. Watch the video below to learn more.

Video Transcription

How Can I Minimize, or Eliminate the Spots my Pets Leave on my Lawn?

Hello, I'm Jesse, and I'm a category manager with North 40 Outfitters, and today we're gonna answer a question about how to minimize and maybe even eliminate the spots that pets leave on your lawn. We reached out to our friends at DLF Pickseed to get their best recommendations to resolve this issues.

One of the most important things you can do is try to keep your pets from using the same traffic pattern, so that they are distributed evenly throughout your lawn, gives you the best chance to stay healthy. When your pets do urinate in certain areas, try to dilute that area as best you can with water, and add seed to those areas that do become thin over time.

The Best Time to Add Seed & Dilute the Issue

The best time to add seed will be either the fall or the spring. However, a healthy and a vigorously growing lawn will withstand the traffic and the normal pet use. There are also a number of different products that can help dilute this issue and resolve it. Many of those are offered at North 40 Outfitters.

All right, everybody, thanks for watching this video. If you have any more questions about lawn care, be sure to check us out at, or any one of our retail locations.