How do I use Garden Amendments?

Learning what your garden needs and how to feed it properly is really easy, and it all begins with adding composting and manure materials. Watch as lawn and garden expert, Amy Grisak, shares her best tips in how to use garden amendments.

Video Transcription

What do I Need to Add to my Garden's Soil?

Hi, this is Amy Grisak for North 40 Outfitters, and today
I'm going to give you a few gardening tips. Today we're going to talk about how
to add amendments to your garden in the spring time before you get to planting.
Now, this is the perfect thing to do on a nice spring day, is to boost your
garden to find out what it needs, and how to feed it properly. Now, what should
you add? That's always the big question. It does start with what your plants
need, or what your soil needs, but a couple of the sure things that you can add
every year are organic materials.

Do I Need Compost in my Garden?

This is a really good compost and manure mix. It's going to add some of the nitrogen that you need, and some of the organic materials that you work into the soil to be able to give it a nice texture, so the plants can thrive in there. They can get the roots down, and they can bring up the nutrients that they need, and as well as any type of compost that you want to work in. Some of the other things that you might want to add are blood meal, which helps add minerals, then another that you might want to add is Azomite, which adds trace minerals to the soil, so it allows the plant.Just like us, we need our minerals and your plants do too, and when everything is balanced right, your plants can use those nutrients to the best, and grow just fabulously well for you. If you have any more questionings about gardening be sure to stop by any of the North 40 Outfitters locations or visit

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