How to Build a Better Fly with Renzetti Brushes


Renzetti brushes give you a wide variety of option to build streamer bodies. The new “Lively Legs” brushes have built in micro rubber legs that make adding legs simple and easy. Watch the video below to learn more.

Hi, my name is Caley. I’m here with our distribution in Renzetti at IFTD 2018 with North 40 Outfitters and we are talking about some of our new product that we have in this year.

So, we just came out with our lively legs crustacean brush. This is going to be a great product. It comes in a few different sizes that we’re going to bring in: half inch, one inch, one and a half, two, three, and five. So, we’re going to bring in a bunch of different colors and a bunch of different sizes in this guy. It’s going to be great for making your shrimp patterns, crab patterns, just makes it all easier and one.

The brush is made out of a great fiber that we call our brushing wing fiber. If you haven’t checked that out already that’s a great material, really lively. Plus, it comes with the silly legs so it makes it really easy for tying.

My second product that I really like and one of our best selling products that we all love to tie with is our Polar Fiber Brush. I know most people have tied with polar fiber before. It’s a really popular product and we’ve now made it into a brush. This comes in a half inch, one inch, and three inch and so you have options to tie all sorts of different flies with this great product. Makes it really easy for making baitfish. Great in the water. Really lively and if you haven’t tried it out make sure to check it out.