How to Clean Game Birds? | Cowboy’s Wild Game Washer


Eliminating washing game by hand and only one at a time, Cowboy’s Wild Game Washer will clean small game, such as birds, in a matter of minutes. Able to hook up to any standard garden hose, this game washer causes debris to rise to the top which means no more messy sinks. Watch the video below to learn more.



Hi, this is Tim. I've got a new product here today that I want to show you. It's the only product of its kind on the market, connects to a standard garden hose off the side of your house and the way the water's displaced in the bucket it will come out in a fan pattern from the top of the bucket to the bottom of the bucket.


You fill this up with your breasted birds, your dove, duck, pheasant, quail, fish filets ... Fill it up and as you turn it on, the water will rise and it'll act like a washing machine, all the game will spin in the bottom, all the debris flushes up over the top, and in three to five minutes when the water's clear, the product is ready to go straight in the freezer. It'll eliminate all hand washing, no more washing them one at a time, no more smell in the sink, no more feathers in the sink. It'll significantly reduce your cleaning time.


It's a great little product, it's brand new on the market. If you want more information about it, go to North 40 and check out their website, thank you.