Hunting in the Northwest: An Ovation


When people ask me what I do, they rarely get my true profession as a first response. Instead, I joke about a being a part time pumpkin farmer, a dad to the coolest kid around, a dusty grain truck driver for my father in July, or an absent minded fiancé to my bride to be. What I never joke about is being a hunter: I'm a hunter.

For nearly six months out of the year, you can probably find me perched high on a ridgeline, stalking deep in the timber or laying stealthy in a stubble field. What do I do the other six months? Naturally, I'm preparing for the first six months just mentioned. Some seasons are more bountiful than others and despite this fluctuation in success, I always find myself grateful. Grateful, not only for the hunt, but for all the things I get to do. Where else can one be a dad, a farmer, an almost-husband, a hunter and then combine all these things into a career?

Probably a pretty short list of places, but I'm certain the good ole' USA is on the top of that list!

Thankful to have wapiti on the menu for my family, friends and myself this Thanksgiving holiday!

And here a picture of the last load:



--Drew Steinberger: North 40 Outfitters: marketing team member
"There are two spiritual dangers in not owning a farm. One is the danger of supposing that breakfast comes from the grocery, and the other that heat comes from the furnace."  Aldo LeopoldA Sand County Almanac