Medical Lake Fishing Report 4.13.17


When I arrived at the lake on Sunday morning there was a fairly stout breeze blowing making the 32 degree air temp feel even colder.  The wind continued to pick up throughout the morning, which made holding my float tube in position very challenging.


Along with the challenging weather conditions, water clarity has been an issue on Medical Lake as well lately. Two weeks ago there was about two feet of visibility and as of Sunday there was about five feet. Luckily the fish didn't seem to mind the cloudy water.

Medical Lake has ample shore access for those that don't have a boat or float tube, so don't let that deter you from getting out! In fact more guys fishing from the shoreline will have as much success as the guys in boats early in the season.

Check out the flies we have online if you need to fill those holes in your box.

Size 14 Jolly Ranchers fished in 3-5 feet of water were definitely the hot ticket for me on Sunday morning. I tried trolling with both a full-sink and intermediate line for a while, but didn't have any takers.

As I was leaving I noticed a fair amount of chironomids coming off and a few fish rising, so have your dry flies ready if you make it out this week!