Methow River Report 7.27.16

I thought I would hit the Methow River for a couple of hours before coming into the shop today, but I got quite the surprise when I got to the river.
For the last couple of days, we had a series of thunderstorms pass through the area. Late yesterday afternoon, we saw one of those storms come up the valley with plenty of thunder and lighting combined with some heavy rains. Well, those heavy rains fell in the burn zones of the 2014 and 2015 wildfires we had in the area. With little to no ground vegetation in those areas, there was nothing to hold the water that fell. As a result, I was greeted to a river running a very dirty brown.
The Methow River from Twisp south is too dirty to fish. The Twisp River is the same way. I talked to a customer that lives up on the Chewuch River and he told me it was also running dirty.
So I would say the rivers around home are going to be a little to dirty to fish for at least 3-4 days.
So if you're planning on fishing in the area any time soon, please call us at the shop before you fish it to get a current river condition. It will save you time, money and potential disappointment from not being able to fish.
Want to know how the river is doing? Check out the current river flow here