Missouri River Fishing Report 2.7.17

Montana Extreme

The temp and the weather is doing its standard extreme yo-yoing around with the temperate highs happening on my working, fly shop days and the sub-freezing highs accompanying the days I can get out and fish.  Typical.  That said, I toughed it out with Kevin the other day because if we don’t go fishing, we will just waste time not going fishing.


Late last week, you had to fish above Craig to avoid slush and floating ice.  You also had to cross some ice to get to open water in many places.  Ice and snow with a dose of wind don’t make for ideal conditions for open water fly fishing.  Exposed skin gets pretty unhappy.  Fly lines get sticky with frozen slurry.  Every ten minutes or so, I had to stop and clear all the guides from the stripper to the tip top.

What could possibly justify fishing in these conditions?  I guess I’m a bit masochistic.  I like to suffer a little once in a while.  It makes me appreciate the comforts provided by modern life.  And I like to go fishing.  Almost any fishing is better than no fishing.  Almost.

We've got a new fly shop site, and some pretty cool gear, here.

Do the fish care what’s happening above their world?  Not much.  They are shielded from the weather in their fluid environs.  Their world may change by a degree or two now and then, but it’s pretty consistent down there during the middle of winter.  The light may fade in and out, the surface may riffle or not, but they are not much interested in the surface anyway.


Winter is a time of relative stasis in the fish world.  Daily movements and activity are minimal.  The fish will often "wake up" and feed opportunistically during the warmest part of the day, but that’s about it.  If you care to be on the water during that window of opportunity, you can catch your quarry.

When we got back to the truck, Kevin said, "If it’s this bleeping cold next week, I’m staying home."  Then he pulled out the bag of fried chicken he always brings and we feasted as we thawed out.  On the ride home Kevin was already planning the tweaks he’s going to make on his next round of flies.  Pretty sure we’ll be back on the water again in a few days.


The Future looks Fishy

Prospects for the coming weekend look good again.  The current subzero deep freeze is going to get Chinooked to 50 degrees later in the week.  Then if the forecast is to be believed, we are in for a long warming trend.  We just got in a fresh stock of Firebeads, wire worms, wiggly worms and midges.  Got some new Loop rods, reels and fly lines too.  Fishing season is just a few chilly days away.

Check out our selection of flies at the new North 40 Fly Shop online.

If you are not out on the water this weekend, be sure to tune in to our north 40 fly shop Facebook Page on Saturday at 11 am.    Josh Varner is back as our featured tier for "Live" Fly Tying Showcase.  Drop a comment and let us know where you’re at and let us know if you have any questions.  You might just win our live drawing.