Mo Report: Still BWO Madness


The Missouri is fishing extremely well right now.  BWO’s is all the rage this week.  Make sure to bring a dry fly pattern you can see as your front fly and then bring a bunch of CDC emergers to tie behind it because lots of fish are finning for emergers.  Just ask Joe in the shop as he was with us last night, Fred’s been out too.  Fish are pretty choosy so fish Missouri acceptable patterns.  If you are unsure what that means then visit Joe and Fred in the shop.  A few fish will eat an Adams or one of the parachutes and could be a good lead fly but from our experience, and again last night if you can fish the realistic bugs they are eating them better (ask Joe to elaborate as he had some firsthand experiments going on last night).


If you are nymphing try a caddis nymph as your high nymph and a PT or variant PT as your bottom nymph.  Little Green Machine, Red Headed Step Child, Military Mayfly, Hogan’s Gold, etc are all going to crush right now.  Cutter nymphed last night and 2 out of 3 landed fish ate the N40 Caddis nymph and he was fishing that on his top nymph.

Caddis are going to bust soon and they are certainly alive and well down below so don’t forget about those guys down there on the bottom.


First time in a while I saw great streamer action last night.  I didn’t land many but for the short amount of time we committed to streamers at the end of the evening, we did well and got a lot of fish chasing the streamer, and one pretty nice fish last night.

New streamers patterns are filtering in to the shop this next week so check up with Fred and Joe for more on that.


Someone was almost on the water as late as us last night at Mid- Nice work fellas with the #4 Montana plates.  Very happy to see "The Grind".

Sam Wike