Montana Organic Farming: Getting People back to Rural America


Waking up in the morning, stepping out onto your own property with no one around for miles- checking the weather and getting ready to run your own organic farm. For many people this is only a dream.

Reality for most is a city life. A place where "outside the city" is a mythical place, and commuting is a second job.

But a change is gonna come, and it's going to come from the organic sector, according to Doug Crabtree and Anna Jones-Crabtree.

If you've dreamed of owning your own farm and producing all of your own food- while making a decent living- there's no time like the present to get into farming, and we sat down with the people trying to do get you to do just that: Vilicus Farm in Havre, Montana.

Demand for Organics in the World Economy impacts Montana Farms 

If you've been in your local grocery store lately, you're probably aware of the price of USDA Certified Organic products.

N40 Tip: No matter the scale, organic farms need water, too. Find out about DIY Drip Systems, or shop our garden category for watering options.

"That label is one of the most heavily regulated and well respected labels in the US," Doug Crabtree, tells Drew and I on the phone. And he should know for 15 years he worked for the Montana Department of Agriculture in Helena, Montana as the organic program manager.

"After years of being in the business, I got to know the people out there doing it Senator Tester, Bob Quin- after getting to know everyone and seeing the success and opportunity that was out there for organics, my wife and I decided to take the plunge and bought land north of Havre, Montana."

The opportunity he is talking about? The demand for organic produce far outstrips the supply, "As organic farmers, we aren't at the mercy of the commodities markets like conventional farmers at least once a week we have suppliers and food companies calling to ask us what they can do to get our products- the demand for organics puts us in the driver's seat."


The Dream & Drive: Montana Organic Farm Couple Preaches Expansion 

The organic power couple wasn't happy with just getting out and securing their dream farm, their dream job of large scale, organic dryland farm in rural Montana- although they did that. Vilicus Farms has supply contracts with well-known brand like Annie's Mac and Cheese, Nature's Path cereals and Dave's Killer Bread- among others.

"We know the demand far exceeds the supply for organic, and there are opportunities to use that so we can get the next generation involved with farming. We started an intensive professional development apprenticeship program. We welcome apprentices as part of our farm team every year.  The application is posted on our website," Anna tells me on our phone interview.

The people who are interested and have attended the Vilicus Farms Apprenticeship for organic farming?

"The people who've demonstrated the most interest are people with little to no farming background. I think that's because awareness of the land and the importance of knowing where your food comes from- it's spreading throughout society, and we are here to educate people about organic production and encourage them to become organic farmers."

There are many, many programs out there now for first time farmers, but Vilicus is the only program focused specifically on organic grain production.


The Montana Test: Will Large Scale Organic Farms Catch on? 

"We were able to make our dream of living off the land a reality, but it took us a long time, and we want to help people reach the spot we enjoy much sooner in their lives than we did. The exodus from the country side to the cities has been going on since the Industrial Revolution with the growth of the organic market, that can change. People can learn to be organic farmers, learn to be stewards of the land- and it can truly be a livelihood." Doug's passion is apparent with this statement, and Anna's quick to follow on

"We've learned through our process, and we want to help others adopt organic practices. The organic community is closely knit we don't need tens of thousands of acres to make a living, and because of that, there's an opportunity for a lot more of us here in the Northwest."

N40 Tip: Master Gardener's talk about holistic options when controlling insects in your organic garden.

"There's an opportunity for people to make the move BACK into farming, back into the countryside.  We farm in a place that has very little population.  But during the homestead era there were many more farmers.  We can see their mark on the landscape through abandoned homesteads" Doug says. 


How to Become an Organic Farmer: Vilicus Farm's Insider Tips

This conversation was another game-changer for Drew and me. One of our platforms at North 40 Outfitters is to inspire people to try new things and after hearing Doug and Anna's story, their journey and vision, we ended the interview feeling, once again, lucky to be able to connect with customers like these.

Read about North 40's trip into beelandia in this free eMag- plenty of information to help your organic production- WHILE getting free honey!

"I saw your last garden eMag cover," Anna says towards the end of our interview, "I remember reading 'Adapt & Inspire' those things really struck a chord with me. That's exactly what we're trying to do at Vilicus Farms. It started small, just Doug and me, but now we're dreaming bigger than ourselves. We're looking forward, sometime in the not-so-far future, to a time when these rural areas are vibrant again and the houses aren't empty."

If you want more information about becoming an apprentice on Vilicus Farms, visit their site here. The dream is there, the networks and infrastructure- all they need is someone committed to becoming a steward of the land. Who knows- that could be you.
