Nautilus X Series Reels Now in Color: IFTD 2018


With a reputation as some of the lightest, most durable, and versatile fly reels on the market the Nautlius X Series had little room for improvement. Now offered in 7 new vibrant colors including: key lime, blue, violet, gold, and more. The color combinations are endless and are sure to brighten up any catch photo. Watch the video below to learn more.

I'm Christian Mustave with Nautilus Reels. Here to show you some of our color options. There's two real ways we do colors here. You can either do a spool and frame in multitude of colors, key lime, this is our key lime color. You can do orange, red, green, blue, and violet. And the regular parts remain standard, black wheel foot, black drag knot on the X, red spool cap, and red brake cover.

The other thing you can do is just customize small parts. That would be up to five small parts, your spool release, your drag cover, your reel foot, drag knob, and the inside of the spindle. And you can also mix both of them and same exact colors apply to this guy. It's a good way to just customize, have your own little personal reel. We do a lot of college colors, or just funky colors.