Tested by Locals: Alpine Touch

What is the old saying- "If you can't do it, blog about it?"

There's not too many things in life that I am good at, but I like to think I am pretty good at eating food. Now, if only I could cook. My culinary ability rests somewhere between burning box mac and cheese and barbecuing some decent steaks. I have even burned hotdogs on the grill; it wasn't my proudest moment. The good news, I have not yet burned down my house. Plus, I make a pretty mean bowl of cold cereal.  All of that being said, I do love food.

I think it is my creative side that really connects with the artistry in good cooking (or just my inner fat kid). I enjoy everything from the composition of a plate to a unique combination of flavors. I have had the pleasure of eating at some fancy places and some pretty fantastic dives across the northwest. I love to try new restaurants in new places, the more undiscovered the better.  When it comes down to it though, my favorites are always good old comfort foods.

As for good eats, I don't think it gets further off of the beaten path than Heaven on Earth guest ranch, located on the Smith River a little over an hour outside of Great Falls. The first thing you will notice at the ranch is the view.  Nothing like a backdrop of massive cliffs falling straight to the pristine Smith River. Trust me when I say, there is something very special about sitting on the deck and watching the sun rise over the cliffs with a warm cup of coffee.  A hidden gem in this small piece of heaven is Debbie Wilson.  Debbie can cook.  Her prime rib is off the charts.  If I had to describe her style, she is a hard working Montana chef that specializes in northwestern comfort foods, my favorite.

Since Debbie moved to Montana she has been cooking with Alpine Touch.  "I use it in everything, soups, stews, salads, fried potatoes, spaghetti, eggs, grilled meat, fish- It is good for just about anything" said Debbie. Alpine Touch is a Montana seasoning. It was developed in 1947 in Whitefish, Montana.  It was originally called "Touch O' Magic, All-Purpose Seasoning" until 1989 when it was renamed.  In 1993, as Whitefish began to boom as a resort town, the production was moved to Choteau.  It remains in Choteau to this day.  For more information about Alpine Touch click here.

Whether you are camping in Montana wilderness or cooking dinner at home, I can't recommend Alpine Touch enough, after all, even I can cook with it.

Also I would like to give a special thanks to Heaven on Earth Ranch, for their always amazing hospitality.