The Beauty Industry Envies Us


Yep... that's our conclusion. Fly fishing dudes must be that cool. I think it's the ladies way of trying to attract our niche breed. I can see how our style of headlamp wearing, unfashionable, bearded, insect loving type has tempted a large population of highly fashionable females to dress up their hairdo with our fine Whiting Hackles. It's so obvious... they want us.

Last week a lady came in and bought all of our Euro hackles from Whiting. I mean these things aren't cheap. These are like $40 hackles and the Trout Shop in Craig sold all of theirs that same day' both shops sold all their hackles to ladies. I have yet to see a lady wearing one of these hackle extensions, other than in pictures of course because after I heard why we are selling so many hackles I immediately had to find out what they looked like. Even Anglers Trade, which is one of the highly visible online industry web-site to let us fly shop folks know what going on in the business we are otherwise somewhat clueless about, wrote a great article about the new fashion trend.

How convenient if you can convince your significant other to participate in the trend. You are at home at your vise, almost all the pictures I have seen use multiple colors of hackles in these extensions, and you run out of Skwala hackles for next month. Simply walk to the kitchen, and pluck a hackle, and since the majority of these hackles being used are the Euro hackles that Whiting has and are perfectly sized for stoneflies you are in business. If the females want to wear the fly shop in their hair and make it easy on us to carry a variety of colors to choose from...and they are going to pay for it.

Well I see no harm in that situation.