The Best Heated Jacket and Vest for Men of 2018 | Mobile Warming Men’s Foreman Jacket


North 40 Outfitters are discussing the Mobile Warming men’s foreman jacket at the 2018 Mid-States show in Minneapolis, MN. Meant to keep you warm in any condition, the Mobile Warming Men’s Foreman Jacket is a 12V heated work jacket made of heavy-duty construction. Perfect for those cold Northwest temperatures, the Foreman jacket features a Bluetooth enabled integrated touch control button. Using Mobile Warming’s Connect app, you can name your jacket, change the temperature, and check the battery level.


Good afternoon, I'm John Cacopardo, Vice President of Sales for tech gear, or our brand, Mobile Warming. This here is the Foreman Jacket and Foreman Vest. This is a 12-volt product. This is meant to keep you warm in any condition. This has four major heating panels. As you can see, the size of the heating panels are bigger than any heated product on the market. This is a very soft, 600 denier material. It has a hood, it has zippered pockets, this is very well designed. This retails for $259.00.

This is a 12-volt product as I mentioned before. It also, you can control the heat settings from the four buttons on the base. There are four colors, four heat settings. In addition, you can control the product from your cellphone with an MW app. This product is available in jackets and available in a vest series.

Okay, our product is allowed to be paired with any smart phone. It's simple, turn on your Bluetooth and then hit the connect button, which is over here, and then it'll ask you what garment you want to pair. And then what you'll do is you'll name your garment and then you'll hit okay and it's automatically paired. It's very simple, and every time that you go to pull out your phone and go to the Mobile Warmth, MW Connect app, it's automatically paired to your garment.