The Rio Direct Core Bonefish Line with Simon Gawesworth at IFTD 2018


What happens when you combine your best line core with the best saltwater taper? You get the Direct Core Bonefish line. It has a long head for a quick and accurate pickup. It comes with 3 colors for line awareness. It’s a line that is going to make a splash with all saltwater anglers.


Hello, Simon Gawseworth for RIO products here at IFTD on the RIO booth, just going through a few new products. Today, I'm just going to talk about a new product we got for the saltwater angler, and that is called the DirectCore Bonefish Line.

So the DirectCore is a core we introduced last year in our line called the Flats Pro. Absolutely a home run, wonderful, wonderful saltwater line. Incredible core lays dead straight in the water, doesn't retract, doesn't come back or anything like that. And so this year we're taking our best core and we're putting it into our best fly line taper, our best saltwater fly line taper, which is our Bonefish Line.

And that's what we've got here, the DirectCore Bonefish Line. This line has a long head of 47 to 49 feet, which kind of a head length I like. If I'm out there on the flat and I make a shot and I need to pick up and retarget that, I like the longer head. So that's what's good about this.
It's got three colors to it. You can kind of see through here there's a blue, which is a running line. There's a coral color which is the middle section, and there's a sand color head. And there's a specific reason for that. The coral color is 20 feet from the front end it starts, and that is so that when you're out in a boat you have all that sand color outside your rod and you're holding the coral color under your hand and it gives you an idea of the perfect amount of line to start making a false cast.

So if you're new to saltwater fishing, that might be something out of the kind of ordinary to you, but if you're a regular saltwater angler you understand exactly what's happening. You're in the ready position, ready to make a cast, and that's where that color change is.

So that is the new DirectCore Bonefish Line from RIO Products. You can get it from the guys online and you can check out the website, or you could look at North 40 and so get it from there.