What Can I Cook on My Pellet Grill?

Anyone can cook on a pellet grill. And, anything can be cooked on a pellet grill. From grilling roasts to smoking BBQ, pellet grills are really easy to use and really easy to maintain.

In our How to Pellet Grill Guide, you’ll learn how a pellet grill works and how to keep it clean. You’ll also learn what foods are great for cooking on a pellet grill and understand if it’s hard to clean up afterward. It’s easier than you think. Get ready to pick out your favorite pellets and get started.

Anyone can cook on a pellet grill. And, anything can be cooked on a pellet grill. From grilling roasts to smoking BBQ, pellet grills are versatile and easy to use.




Video Transcription

What Can I Cook on my Pellet Grill?

Hi, everybody. My name is Brad Gerber. I'm a buyer for North 40 Outfitters. I'm here to talk to you about pellet grills.

What can I cook on my pellet grill?? You can cook a pork butt for 10 hours. You can cook a whole chicken for an hour and a half, or you can throw a rib eye on for 12 minutes. You can cook pizzas, vegetables, meatloaf, wings. The possibility with these things are endless.

Thanks for watching. If you have any further questions, feel free to visit any one of our retail locations or find us online at north40.com.