When Should I Seed my Lawn? When Should I Not Seed my Lawn?

Kentucky Blue. White Dutch Clover. Perennial Rye. When it comes to creating a picture-perfect yard, it can actually take a couple of years. But, don’t let that put you off. Learning the easy steps it takes to produce a beautiful, lush lawn is really doable, and we can get you headed down the right path.

In our How to Maintain your Lawn Guide, you’ll learn how to seed your lawn from scratch and how to maintain it. We’ll also explain how you should handle those bare spots that Fido is so good at making. It’s all doable. So, roll up your sleeves and dig in.

A good rule of thumb is to wait to seed when the air temperatures have been above 70 degrees for at least two weeks. Planting in the mid-summer can be a challenge as the high heat dries out the moisture and weed competition is strong. Watch the video below to learn more.

Video Transcription

When Should I Seed my Lawn? When Should I Not Seed my Lawn?

Hello everybody. I'm Jesse and I'm a category manager from North 40 Outfitters. Today, we're going to answer questions about seeding your lawn. We're going to answer when you should seed your lawn and also, we're going to talk about when you should not seed your lawn. So, what we did was, we reached out to our friends at DLF Pickseed to help us most accurately answer these questions.

The Best Times to Seed Your Lawn

The best planting time is in the fall when the weeds have died back. There's less competition for water, for sun and then the soils also still remain warm. Spring is also a good time, with seasonal rainfall to keep the seedlings from drying out. Most seed types that you do plant will germinate when the soil temperatures are above or around 60 degrees. Which means you'll want to pay attention to your daytime temperatures, and when those temperatures have been around 70 degrees for a period of about two weeks, your soil should be ready to plant your seed.

The Worst Time to Seed Your Lawn

Planting in the mid-summer is one of those times, if you can avoid planting your grass seed, you will have the best luck. Because the high heat in those summer periods will dry out the moisture and also it is a time when weed competition is strong. Again, the weeds are competing for both sunlight and moisture. So, the best time, plant in the fall. Spring is also good. Try to avoid the high temperatures of the summer heat when planting your grass seed.

All right, everybody, thanks for watching this video. If you have any more questions about lawn care, be sure to check us out at north40.com, or any one of our retail locations.