Diesel Additives for Winter in the Northwestern USA

Using diesel fuel presents many challenges. Diesel fuel is lower in lubricity, has a higher cloud and pour point and will gel-up faster. What's that mean?

You can check out our selection of fuel additives online here.

It means if you don't treat your fuel with anti-gel additive, you are looking at more fuel system wear, more gelling, less power and lower MPG.

What your Diesel Fuel Needs to Work well in Winter

When you work out in this cold in a diesel, whether it's a ¾ ton pickup, a 1 ton flatbed or even with tractors, you will know what a gel point is, and you know without a fuel additive, you can't work.

This means in winter, truckers and ranchers, everyone driving a diesel, needs a fuel additive to keep their vehicles running.



"I grew up with my dad using Power Service and Power Service 911 so that's where I turn when I need any kind of diesel additive. I study these diesel additives and anti-gels in class with Power Service being one of the top performing.

Do you know how to determine towing capacity?

I've seen the effects of Power Service 911 on stopping and reversing the gelling process in diesel fuel. Power Service 911 is a phenomenal product and I recommend it to anyone needing to help with a gelled-up diesel."

Effects of Different Additives on Diesel Fuel

"I have been going to college in Havre at MSU Northern for 4 years, majoring in Diesel Technology, and I have been working for North 40 Outfitters for 5 years. The two diesel supplements I like are Power Service and Stanadyne.


The reason I like these products is because I feel that, out of all winter supplements, these two are superior. The Power Service & Cetane Boost is a great winterizer and anti-gel to help your diesel engine have top performance during the cold months.

We've got an entire section of our website dedicated to automotive products.

It keeps your fuel filter from icing up and stops your diesel from gelling, which makes for extremely hard starts.

The reason I like Stanadyne is because it has superior anti-gel qualities. Like Power Service, it also lubricates and prevents corrosion. Stanadyne has proven to be a good all year round additive. You can use Power Service all year round, but I believe that Stanadyne is better suited and designed for all year use."