Fishing the Yappa Topwater Baits from Lunkerhunt at ICAST 2018


Available in 3 designs: frog, bug, and rat the new Yappa series of topwater lures from Lunkerhunt feature a unique lip design that creates a bubble wake and wobble on a straight retrieve. Made from a soft body and using a silicone lip the Yappa design ensures good hookup ratios and reduced snagging in heavy cover.


All right, I'm Tyler Lunkerhunt Lewis. We're at the ICAST show for 2018, introducing the new Yappa series. The Yappa frog, the Yappa rat, a Yappa bug. A cool feature about these, it's hollow body bait. Cast it out, straight retrieve. Gets a nice tight shimmy. If you wanna pause it, get into paths, pause it. You can get a good jerk going, back and forth. The bait comes in nice cool parts. Lip on the front, doesn't hang up in the weeds. It's nice and soft so you can come through the cattails, rice pads, boat rushes. It doesn't hang up. It's a real nice bait for that feature. High hook up percentage with how soft the hollow body bait is. In general, it's just a real nice bait.