Remco Superior Complete Water Transfer System


North 40 Outfitters is discussing the Remco Superior Complete Water Transfer System at the 2018 Mid-States show in Minneapolis, MN. Versatile, with a large capacity at 5.3 gallons, this Remco Water Transfer System can transfer water from any situation. It is a set-up that is easy to use for the backcountry camper needing water anywhere to the rancher that needs to transfer water for livestock. It can also be used with any standard watering hose too. Watch the video below to learn more.


Remco Industries has introduced a new product line called Water Transfer Solutions. We have several ... three sizes ... Ontario, Heron and Superior, Superior being the largest capacity product in the lineup. It's a five point three gallon. We have the Huron, which is a four gallon a minute product. All the products come with an in-line filter. They have attachments so you can use a standard garden house when you look at the end of them here.

Have an inlet, outlet. And then we also have it available in a three point five gallon a minute product which is the Ontario.

Comes with fifteen-foot power cord, battery clips with waterproof jacket and then the Ontario comes with a cigarette lighter plug.

So you can virtually pump water just about anywhere that you need to. For folks that like to camp out in the backcountry where they don't have ... they're living off-grid, this is a great product. So it gives them access to water whenever they need it. Simply from a stream or a pond.

For farmers' livestock situations where they need to transfer water from different areas, they can do that. Hobby farmers use it for transferring water also.

Have plumbers who use it for transferring water in a flood situation or something like that. So, it's a very nice product. It has a lot of versatility.

And it comes in a hard case so that it protects the pump. You don't have to worry about the pump getting broken or something like that when you're transporting it.