Free Spey Casting Class

Yesterday I held a free Spey Class in Sandpoint. I had three new spey casters that all have fishing experience, especially fly fishing experience. Two of them are former Alaska fishing guides. Whenever I bring new people into the realm of spey casting, I almost always notice a trend that holds true among different groups of people.
Here are a few things to expect if you are thinking of picking up a spey rod.
Normally, the better fly caster you are, the harder it is going to be for you to pick up spey casting... initially.
- Most new casters over power the rod throughout the entire cast.
- Practicing the proper set up helps casters much quicker than going through the entire cast. If they can get the set up correct, the rest is a piece of cake.
- All new spey casters set the hook on fish, resulting in fish that are never landed.
- All new casters dip, or what I call "figure 8 cast." Which actually looks more like an infinity symbol.
I normally due between 8-10 classes each spring and all of the classes are small, which really helps getting some one on one instruction. If you are interested in learning to cast, you can contact me at the fly shop. Classes are always free and space is very limited.