How do I Install an Electric Fence Tumble Wheel?

Electric fencing can save 30-40% off costs compared with traditional fence, due to using fewer materials and less labor. So, when installing an electric fence, you need to first determine if your fence is going to be permanent or temporary -because the tools, the infrastructure, and the products are all going to be different.

Whether your project is permanent or temporary, whether your fencing in livestock or heading into the backcountry; in our How to Install Electric Fence Guide, we’ll answer questions to help you get started in your electric fencing project. It’s all doable, let’s get to work!

There are several parts that go into installing an electric fence tumble wheel. Once put together, the tumble wheel is very effective in helping in animal management.

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When assembling a tumble wheel, there's a few things to keep in mind and we're going to break down the parts and pieces and how to put them all together.

What is the main piece of a tumble wheel?

The main piece is the hub, and if you notice there's six holes where the six legs will go in. There's a slit in the middle and everything's going to have to line up with that slit. So this is the main piece.You have a plate, which is essentially a switch that hangs off the legs that are in the air and never touches the ones that are on the ground. There's a slit in the middle of that. You've got to position your plate, make sure you're just slit on your plate is lined up with the slit on the hub, and then you take your legs and then there's six holes in the tumble wheel hub.

How to secure the legs on a tumble wheel?

Each one has a little cradle that it goes in and you get your orange clips. The orange clips have little teeth on them, so you got to make sure they lock in so you don't lose your tumble wheel leg in the pasture. You can warm up these clips before you install them. That'll help make that plastic a little easier to work with. You have a C-tube that also has to line up with the slit in the hub and on the plate. This is where your wire will sit and that'll light up the C-tube, which will light up the plate and that'll light up the legs. There are two end clips, one for each side. Slide them on. Line them up with the slit on the C-tube when installing your wire and you can turn it down one way or the other to lock your wire in.