How do you Choose Which Knot is Right for Your Fencing Project?

Get out and get to work! When it comes to fencing that’s a good place to start. With a little sweat equity, fencing sets boundaries. It keeps animals in and predators out. It can encompass entire ranches or just protect the vegetable patch in the backyard. Whatever it’s needed for, fencing has many uses. That’s why in our Fencing Section we make it easy and break it down for you.
In this guide, we’ll answer questions like what type of fence is best for your animals while explaining what tools you’ll need to get the job done. And, we’ll tackle topics such as spacing and cost. It’s more doable than you think. You’ve got this and we can help.
There are three different styles of knots; hinged-joint knot, the fixed-knot knot, and the S-knot knot. Depending on your fencing needs, each knot is designed for a specific purpose.
Video Transcription
Hi everybody. My name's Keith Taylor with Bekaert Corporation. I've been with Bekaert for about 28 years and we're here partnered with North 40 Outfitters.
The Right Knot for Fencing Project
We get the question, "How do I choose which knot is right for my project?" Bekaert generally, in our woven wire fences offer three different styles of knots. The hinge joint knot, the fixed-knot knot, and the S-knot knot.
Type of Fencing Knots
The hinge joint knot is cut at every line wire and wrapped around. It's the traditional knot that everyone in the market knows. The fixed-knot knot is a four-point contact knot with a continuous stay top to bottom. This makes the fence much more rigid and easy to stand and hard for the animals to collapse. The S-knot is designed for horses. It's a safety feature. There's no sharp edges and allows the animal to rub up against it without cutting their hide.
Thanks for watching today. If there are any more fencing questions, feel free to visit any of the North40 Outfitters stores or visit them online at