How to Prepare my Chicken Flock for Fall and Winter?

Keeping Chickens Warm when it gets Cold
When the seasons turn cooler, bedding in your chicken coop is important. Plus, chickens, even free range, need something to scratch for and giving them something like Purina Flock Block helps. Watch and learn as we share our best tips for getting your chicken flock ready for cooler temperatures.
Video Transcription
Hi, I'm Jennie and I'm from North 40 Outfitters and I'm here to talk to you about the feed and care of your chickens.
One of the things we want to do in the winter time is keeps the flock fresh or pine shavings or straw or something like that for bedding in your coop. And it gives the chicken something to kind of scratch through. Standlee Flock Fresh has alfalfa also in their product and that gives the chicken something to nourishment as well. This also keeps you ammonia down in your coop if you have these beddings in place and it keeps the chicken's feet warm.
Getting your chickens ready for cooler temperatures? Shop chicken supplies HERE.

How to Keep Chickens Warm and Busy?
Another thing to keep your chickens busy in the winter time, because most of us even the free range chickens are locked in a coop in the winter time, because nobody likes to walk through the snow, scratch block and scratch feeds are a good source of nutrition as well. The scratch blocks keep the chickens from picking on each other, that gives them something to scratch at and there's a little bit of nutrition in there as well. Another thing that you'll have to prepare for in the winter time is the short daylight hours and to do that, we suggest just leaving a light on in your coop, just a light bulb, a standard light bulb will work, just so they have light. That's all they need for egg production, it doesn't have to specifically be daylight. But if they have about 12 hours worth of light in the coop every day, that'll add to their egg production.
Thanks for joining us for the chicken videos. If you have any more questions about your chickens, please stop in, in any of our North 40 locations or visit us at
Want to learn more? Discover more tips on raising chickens HERE.