Summer Grilling - How to Prepare Pork for Smoking?

Preparing pork for smoking in a smoker is easier than you think. Watch and learn as we share our simple step by step instructions for delicious and savory smoked pork.

Video Transcription

How do I Prepare my Meat for Smoking?

Hey everybody, this is Alfonso with North 40 Outfitters. And today I'm going to show you how to prep pork for smoking on your grill. First thing we're going to do is going to take a look at our meat and do a little bit of trimming. Really what I'm looking for is I want to have good presentation to whoever I'm serving this. You want to have something that looks nice and is pleasant to eat. I'm going to trim a little bit of this fat on there.

How do I Trim and Season my Meat Properly for the Best Smoke?

This is a pork butt which is a pretty big piece of meat. As you can see, it's got a lot of fat on here. Fat tastes really good to some people, but you also want to trim some of it off so it smokes a little bit better. Really what I'm looking for is stuff that's just hanging out loose by itself. Just don't want those burn downs. Again, just trying to keep it look consistent so it's appetizing.Once we have our pork all trimmed up and the presentation the way that you want it, we're going to put some spices on it next. I like to start with pretty basic layer of spices. I always do salt, onion powder, garlic powder, and black pepper. Coat it all over, all over the sides. I like a lot of black pepper on mine, most of my meats. Just want to have a good coat on there, again on all sides. Really what I'm looking for is to make a nice crust when I'm out smoking it. After it comes out, I just want something with all the spices just stuck to it, so it gives it that really great flavor. I will do some onion powder, same thing, all sides. This we're going to go a little lighter on. A little bit garlic powder. Okay. Next step we're going to do is we're going to wrap this up in some wrap and let it sit overnight. So we just want to make sure we take our time and get that properly sealed. Once you have it all wrapped up, go ahead and put your meat back in a nice container. And then we're going to put this in the fridge for 24 hours. If you have any questions about grilling please visit any one of our store locations or

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