The Smartest Way to Manage Your Herd | Gallagher W210 & TW-3 Scales


The Gallagher W210 and Gallagher TW-3 are the entry level and advanced, respectively, newest livestock weight scales from Gallagher. Ideal for the rancher that wants to track their animals, these systems can be fitted right behind the squeeze shoot. Watch the video below to learn more.


My name is Ray Williams. I'm the business development manager for scales and EID systems for Gallagher North America. And I just want to show you a couple of the things that we do right with weighing and EID. A lot of producers right now are looking into weighing their animals for basic reasons, from what is it cost me to grow my animal to just absolutely looking at all the different metrics from birth all the way up to slaughter.


For those producers that are looking for a basic system, this 210 package right here offers the producer the ability to put a scale right behind the squeeze chute as well this is adaptable to put load bars underneath the squeeze chute. So when I capture my animal, I get a basic weight. I can write that weight down and then I'm on my way to putting a better record together for each individual animal.


As producers start to advance into more data which is a big deal right now, they go into a better scale like this right over here. These scales allow us to not only capture weight, but also independent data about each animal. From birth weights to different types of pairings, from my momma cows, or my cows together. To let's say a preg check session where I'm looking at my animals saying open or preg. And then how many days preg. All that information comes up on the screen and I have the ability to enter individual data right off of the screen.


In addition to that, this scale will actually transmit to a phone or to my computer in my office, so I can look at all my operation on a computer and all of the data together. Make changes and then send it right back to the scale so when I'm done, I can look at this when I see the animal the next time. I can see that data show up on my scale.


So it gives the producer a complete data management system. And when you're raising purebred animals, obviously that is a huge deal. It constitutes a better selling price when I can send data with my animals. And for genetic reasons, a lot of producers use this type of equipment to record data about my progeny and any of my EPDs that I need to remember when I'm actually doing my AI work. I can put all that information in here too.


When I have animals that I've recently preg checked and they're open and they're not preg, I can actually enter a coverable right on the screen and keep track of where that animal is located, in another pasture or a paddock.


So it's a complete overview of all of the data from birth until slaughter and then I can print that all out. Some producers are actually going so far as to putting the carcass data back into the record too. So they can see what they did right.


All the equipment is very adaptable, easy and intuitive. All the instructions are right on the screen. If I get stumped, I just push a button for a help screen. It shows me what I'm doing and where I'm going with the product.


Gallagher has a full line from the very basic all the way up to the most advanced data capture.